Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neuro-developmental disorder present from birth and can be diagnosed in most cases before the age of 3 years. This type of disorder is a serious disorder that damage a child ability to communicate and interact with others. It can be described by impairment in social interaction, communication and language difficulty, and difficulty in imagination and hypothetical thinking.
Knee pain is common among the population in the world, especially in the old age. It is generally a special problem for runners - over 50 % coming from all athletes endure it every year. Knee joint pain could be the most prevalent musculoskeletal complaint that brings visitors to their doctor.

Chikungunya is one of the viral diseases for which no specific cure or vaccine is available .it is not new to India. An epidemic was first reported in 1963 -1965 in Kolkata. Kolkata and Kerala were the worst affected states in 2008. No specific treatment or vaccine available at present for chikungunya, so only method is prevention.
The term 'asthma' is taken from the Greek meaning ' panting' or 'labored breathing'. Asthma is a condition characterized by a paroxysmal wheezing respiration dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing), mainly expiratory. Asthma is a disease that intermittently influences the lungs.
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